Hazleton Long Barrow

Project Update

Stone Age to Corinium Project Update

There has been lots of activity taking place behind the scenes of the Stone Age to Corinium project. Objects are still undergoing conservation and rebuilding such as the Iron Age dog and pit burial. The first phase of mounting is coming to an end with mounts then being taken away to dress up cosmetically so that they match the interior design scheme.


Iron Age Dog

Behind the scenes – the Iron Age dog skeleton, found at the Kingshill north site, is in the process of being rebuilt for display in the new Prehistory gallery. The fragmentary parts have been bonded together providing a good visual of the dog destined for display.

Hazleton Long Barrow

Cliveden Conservation have been on site to rebuild the Hazleton long barrow chamber. When it was removed from its position in the early gallery, it was numbered piece by piece. Here begins the arduous task of putting it back together and making it fit onto the purpose built plinth in the new gallery layout. The raised plinth and different orientation presents its own challenges but the team have worked diligently to make the new design concepts work. The barrow chamber is the last surviving remnant of the barrow which people can view to inform their knowledge about burial practices from the Neolithic period.

Iron Age Roundhouse

The Iron Age Roundhouse Replica frame has been constructed for the new galleries by The Hub and is in storage awaiting final fit out, when the roof will be partially thatched. The roundhouse will aid understanding of Iron Age buildings and will provide a lovely space for storytelling and other activities.

Roundhouse replica for the new gallery displays – aiding interpretation and offering a functional space for activities.

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